PinnedMy Year in Review — 2020I can’t believe we are finally at the end of this year. What a wild ride we all went on. I hope you’re doing okay. At the start of this…Dec 31, 20201Dec 31, 20201
I AM NOW A LEAD AT DEVELOPER STUDENT CLUBS🎊This is the best birthday present ever. I just got a call from my friend, asked me to check my emails and there it is, I have been…Jul 23, 20203Jul 23, 20203
Story Time: My Quarantine DaysMuch the same as each other kid, I started my quarantine days by wasting a lot of time, eating, sleeping, and watching YouTube. But I…Jun 21, 20201Jun 21, 20201
React: Conditional RenderingSo the most recent thing I have learned in React is conditional rendering, which is my favorite topic. In conditional rendering, a React…Jun 13, 2020Jun 13, 2020
React Lifecycle Methods — React.jsEach component in React has several lifecycle methods that you can override to run code at particular times in the process.Jun 9, 2020Jun 9, 2020
Flutter: Difference Between Stateful and Stateless Widget📲 As we know that all the User Interface(UI) components in Flutter are known as widgets. The widgets can be just of two types.Apr 29, 20201Apr 29, 20201