Story Time: My Quarantine Days

Iqra Fatima
2 min readJun 21, 2020


I am Addicted to Instagram

Much the same as each other kid, I started my quarantine days by wasting a lot of time, eating, sleeping, and watching YouTube. But I couldn’t possibly keep that up for very long.

After about 3 weeks I saw other individuals accomplishing work as well, so I followed the trend and attempted to find some stuff that I can learn during this time. But, truly I was unable to discover anything. Another week passed and I was still lying in my bed and binge-watching YouTube. I went over some productivity, routine, and self-care videos and watched them till late at night. Still, I didn’t bother to get out of my bed. It felt great watching individuals being all productive during the quarantine. But what about me?! Do I not have any goals for these quarantine days?!

One day I grabbed my journal, a pen, and wrote this new word that I just heard, Flutter. Because how cool is it to be able to make mobile apps?!. Well, it took me three days to make sense of how to set up Flutter on my PC. At the same moment, one of my friends dropped a link of super awsome course on Flutter Development. I, who was now very excited about gaining some new useful knowledge, began chipping away at it. While learning Flutter, I chose to make a COVID-19 tracker application for practicing. However, I am still battling with being productive. But is it being productive enough for happiness?!

No, just being productive is not enough. I completed my Flutter course and worked on my application. I also chose to do some other things that may help me in relaxing. So I started reading the 2 books that I borrowed from one of my friends before the start of quarantine. I never was a book worm but I was delighted by reading these books. So I ordered some books for myself to read and I have quite recently finished one of the books, and currently reading up the other. Reading helped me to relax since it gives me some off-screen time.

Following 3 weeks of battling with Flutter and APIs, I at long last made it to end and pushed my last code on GitHub. You can check it here.

COVID-19 Tracker

But my quarantine journey is not finished here. These days I am trying to catch up with my online classes and React.js.

👋 That’s all folks, thanks! if you like this post, don’t forget to leave a comment! 🤩



Iqra Fatima

Developer Student Clubs Lead @Google Developers ⚡| Computer Scientist 💻 | Flutter Developer 🔥 | Web Dev 🌟| Graphic Designer @dscuet 🖼